Resurrection offers several varieties of pastoral care for parishioners and non-parishioners alike. These ministries are meant to care for the soul of a person.
Father Gibbs and our parish staff are available to visit with you about any concern which you may have, either of a personal nature or about the parish itself.
Father Gibbs will be happy to anoint persons not only as they approach death but also before major surgeries. Please call the parish office to arrange this at (563) 556-7511. In addition, communal anointing services are held in the fall and the spring. These are announced in the bulletin.
There is a book in the Gathering Space in which you can write intentions for which you wish parishioners to pray. These are included in our Sunday intercessions and at daily Mass. The parish also has a prayer chain on which persons can ask for prayers. Requests are sent in a speedy manner both by email and telephone. Please contact Karen Meyer (563-588-3547) or Marge Kane (563-583-2149) or email with your prayer intentions.