YLT meeting minutes January 19th, 2025
Date: Jan 19th
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Deacon LoBianco Youth room
Attendance: Clarissa H, Garrett & Colin H, Natalie & Owen L, Susie F, Nevaeh P, & Thane K
High school Program 2024-2025
The Search" by Formed
What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The questions are there. And, the answers are too.
Times 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Place - Adult Faith Formation Room
February 5th - Who are You
February 26th - Why a God
March 5th - What's are Story
March 19th - Who is Jesus
April 2nd - Am I saved
April 30th - Why a Church